Pacing Towards Sustainability

CCR’s virtual CSO helps break down operational siloes to embed ESG and sustainability within the organization’s activities. It assists in evaluating the current state of progress and develops an action plan based on that assessment. The service ensures that the organization takes responsibility for minimizing its environmental impact and move towards sustainability and its net zero targets.

Insightful Strategizing

Our Virtual CSO leads your organization’s sustainability efforts to build climate resilience by providing actionable insights and a well-defined roadmap to target emissions and attaining carbon neutrality across all sectors of the organization. CCR’s ability to track Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and offer regulated reports along with its advanced virtual CSO service ensure well developed climate change adaption and mitigation strategies.

End-to-End Approach

CCR’s virtual CSO not only focusses on the emissions’ induced by the company’s processes but also takes into account the impact from several other climate change inducing activities to provide end-to-end effective strategies while also ensuring alignment with the UN set SDGs.

Why CCR's Virtual CSO

Appointing CCR’s virtual CSO gives your organization all the benefits of an in-house CSO and much more.